
By QuerkyPoo


I learn something about these lovely birds every day. Even if its about when they feed - it all adds up and I think today I had to think about the tide and where the food source ( crabs were ) They (crabs) were inactive so the birds were not feeding as they were last time I was out. the tide was effecting the crabs which was effecting the birds feeding. All seems to add up.
The beak of the Kingfisher is amazing with its scooping shape on the bottom mandible - this allows the bird to fly at terrific speed and scoop up its quarry. I've never seen one " dig in" as it swooped and collected. Its noticable there is a gap between the upper and lower parts of the beak.

This pose I think is quite classical - not nec. behavoural. ( which I like most!)
rgds poo

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