
By LaKwAtSeRa

British style BBQ

The Pinoys gathered together again today at one of Heronbank's bbq pits. This is a post Philippine Independence Day celebration and farewell gathering for Clarisse who is leaving for Canada. The usual Pinoys in attendance were Hazel, Karina, Wilson and our two imports from Ecuador, Tala and Diego.

It was quite a challenge to bring the coal to a proper bbq heat as we were not used to using the firelighters being used by the Brits. We wished that we had gasoline handy but of course there is no way we can buy just a few milliliters of it here in the UK without being assumed to be arsonists or, worst, crazy. After an hour of painstakingly positioning the firelighters and fanning the miniscule ember that we see in some of the charcoal, we were able to get the bbq pit to a proper heat and all our meats were cooked to perfection! We had pork ribs, sausages, beef burger patties and pork piri-piri.

The photo however was a failure. I didnt realize that i set the aperture so wide that the depth of field was so narrow (and the focus point set on Wilson's side, thus he is the only one who is sharp in the photo). We took a lot of photos but this one seems to be the one showing that we enjoyed the gathering very much.

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