Hands up.....

...if you have chicken pox!

When I went for a swim this morning I was lucky to get a parking space as it is the Trilby Tour golf competition. The clothing was 'interesting' to say the least and I was tempted to nip back with my camera. The players all wore trilbies in various colours, the caddies all had to wear very unfetching white boiler suits and the officials looked rather dapper in their bright red jackets and spotty cravats.

I decided to give the golfers a swerve and instead I went round to see Catherine and Hannah. Poor Hannah is peppered in spots but she is over the worse now and was happy to pose for a few poxy pics. Last week I with someone with shingles and this week Hannah with chicken pox...I hope I don't end up poxy too, I've had both, but I know you can get them again....eek!

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