
By 1bluebell

tubes everywhere

I woke up this morning with the good intention of going to the gym. What happened do I hear you ask. couldnt be bothered. Actually I got engrossed in bringing my accounts up to date, then clearing out the emails,then clearing out the junk off my timeline on Facebook, then I watered the garden, did the washing, ironing, changed the beds and tidied up and hoovered , had numerous text conversations with friends including 55Daisies and by then it was 1pm. so, I had lunch and headed for the hospital to see 55Daisies who was sitting up in bed and was very bright and chatty. She probably didn't feel like it one bit as she has been very unwell.

the canula has been put in a very awkward place and every time she bends her elbow the alarm goes off and nurse come to check on it

Good to see you Sue

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