Reflection with Angles

... Not a brilliant title (can anyone suggest better?). At any rate, it's a window on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan belonging to the Jewish Museum--there's a series of them with different patterns.

I was returning from a sweeping exhibition on Italian Futurism at the Guggenheim Museum, a few block south. It occupies nearly the entire museum, covering the period 1909 to 1944. I thought I had a decent knowledge of Futurism, but most of this was new to me. It's on through September 7th--if you can make it, don't miss it!

(Posted the next day--after internet problems prior to a lovely late dinner given for our friend Alice from England.)

Edit (6/25) I did hreceive a title suggestion (from my faithful email commentator):

"Star of Dendreflections" -- "Star" refers to the Star of David suggested in the lattice-work. "Dendreflection" is a coinage combining the root "dendr-" for the tree branches with "reflection."

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