No Static

By nostatic

8 Weeks

My sister gave me these cards as a way of marking events in Saul's development, had to wait until the dead of night to use this one as every other time I tried Saul was in tears.

There were better songs released in 2005 (including Sufjan Stevens, Arcade Fire and LCD Soundsystem), but Love Me Like You by Magic Numbers is one of those tracks that immediately transports you back to a time and place. In this case the John Peel Stage at Glastonbury on a Saturday night spent trying to avoid hearing Coldplay headline the main stage. We arrived at Glastonbury on a scorching hot Thursday afternoon, but by the Friday morning the whole site was a swamp (even worse than my experience in 1997). The torrential rain and thunder storms forced a delay in the start of the festival and meant a lot of cowering around looking for shelter, one such place being the John Peel stage. Tracey and myself had a vague knowledge of Magic Numbers, but didn't expect much from their set. However it was one of those feel good sing-a-long festival moments that the TV cameras have you believe is a feature of every set. One of the few times up to that point that we had smiles on our faces. It would be stretching things to say that they brought the sunshine out for the Sunday, but it kind of felt that way. Magic Numbers subsequently became a sing-a-long CD on many a car journey.

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