
By Mimthing

Midsummer mayhem

Fun run for some . Once a year our village is used as the start/finnish for a Wolds half marathon, runners come from far and wide to enjoy our beautiful area... They turn up and park abandon their cars all over the village with not a thought or care for local residents, they park across gates and drive over lawns. This year they surpassed themselves and parked on both sides of the narrow road that runs out of the village thus blocking it for the local farmer and his wife who had 145 bales of silage to bring in tonight, they wasted two productive hours of his time, cars had to be bumped off the road by marshals and the police were called as they had blocked the highway. I've no problem with them doing their running thing here. I do have a problem with their total ignorance and lack of respect for the country side and those who work it. Hopefully the message got thru and next year they will have extra marshals to monitor parking.

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