Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Pelagic Zone Takeoff

We got up early and made the noon ferry...all worth it when I got this shot! I do not want you to think I was swimming with these birds, but the shot certainly looks like I am! I LOVE THIS CAMERA!!!

The Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus) is a small seabird that lives along the northern Pacific coast, and all around San Juan Island and surrounding areas. They grow to about 29" with a wingspan of just over 3 feet. They are typically all black with a beautiful, distinctive iridescence, and white thighs during breeding season. They have a long thin bill and the large, webbed feet.

These birds locate prey while swimming, and then dive after it underwater, propelled forward by their webbed feet, steering with their wings, and diving as deep as 100 feet. They frequently hunt near kelp beds or among rocks, looking for smallish, bottom-living, non-schooling fish.

These cormorants, like all cormorants, do not have waterproof plumage, which is why they are often seen perched on pilings with their wings outstretched, drying their feathers.

Nests are made from grasses or seaweed and built on islands and rocky shores. While they occasionally alternate between several nesting sites from year to year, it is more common that they remain faithful to a favorite nesting site for their entire lives, repairing and improving it if necessary. Older, rebuilt nests can grow to a size of 5 ft deep. You'll notice that this cormorant is gathering that grass for the nest.

For more photos of the cormorants in the area, visit my flickr page.

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