at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Mummy made

I made her romper suit last night- I am so incredibly pleased with it. At the last minute before sewing up the legs I realsied it was far longer than Ivy is and chopped 10cm off the bottom- glad I did, she's still getting slightly caught up in it even now and I had to add poppers along the leg holes to reduce them. It was the perfect light airy outfit for the glorious sunshine today- I intend to make her many more. Euan chose the fabric- isn't it gloriously loud?

Went on a walk to the allotment this morning- Ivy is now starting to come to terms with the fact there's no more strawberries in the tunnel. I suspect the ones ripening in our back garden will come and go in the time we're away next month. More next year though.

She was hilarious at lunch time- she was sitting playing with her feet whilst eating her pasta and after lunch she was in a very giggly mood. In the afternoon she went round to play at Elseanne's house and apparently shared ginger biscuits and did very well with musical instruments.

When Euan came home she seemed to be playing a game of 'run away from daddy (giggling hysterically) to the safety of mummy'- she was both running away from him and wanting him to chase her. The two of them playing on the stairs (whilst Ivy's new romper prevented her from getting away too quickly) was brilliant. She ate loads at dinner too, altough whilst being fed her pudding (new romper now covered in blueberry) she kept trying to chew on the side of the bowl that had contained the main.

I got the whole way through the sleep book with her tonight before bed- I've never managed it before.

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