at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Hulking up

Another trip the hospital today- Ivy got injected with a radioactive tracer to check her kidney function. She hasn't turned into the incredible hulk yet- but you never know.

Wasn't as traumatic as it could have been. They put a numbing cream on her arms and legs half an hour before putting the canula in, but apparently because she has 'thick skin' (which will help in later life i'm sure) it didn't seem to work and she got a bit hysterical when they tried to put the canula in. They struggled to find a vien and the first attempt didn't work (I think next time we'll skip the numbing cream, suspect it made a vien harder to find) but second one it went in fine. She did very well staying still under the camera for them to see her kidneys later.

Lots of hanging about between appointments today so we got some exciting shopping done- including a trip to poundland to get Ivy random toys for treasure baskets and mothercare for her first crayons, since she likes to draw. Also a trip the industrial supply shop to get an assortment of chains, padlocks and hinges to make her something like this. The man at the checkout was amused when we said all the hardward was for the baby :) Also a new spoon (Ivy really really really likes spoons)- it's big, brightly coloured and made of soft plastic for chewing on. All Euan and I got for ourselves was a jar of harissa.

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