
as a dodo.

What a day, I am mentally knackered. We look after No. 24 and yesterday a couple moved in for a month. Unfortunately a couple of things were not quite right in the house. The front patio door wouldn't lock and the tv wouldn't work. So after a phone call to the owner I called a locksmith and a tv guy.

The lock was easy to sort out, the door had 'dropped' so the lock was slightly misaligned. The tv was a different matter. The engineer had had a personality bypass, going to the dentist and have a tooth extracted would have been easier than talking to this guy.

The problem with the tv, was that 4 houses share a large dish, which is on the roof of a house 4 doors away from the one he was working on. To get to the roof in question meant taking a ladder up stairs, putting it on the front verandah, climbing onto the roof, then walking across 3 other houses to get to the dish. He wasn't keen on climbing onto to roof, but he did it. After much muttering and twiddling with his 'electronic gadget' he deduced that the LNB was dead, or at least 1 of the ports on it, which was the one that connected the tv to no. 24. So he installed a new LNB and 'bingo' the tv worked, clear picture, no pixilating, job done.

So an hour this morning with the locksmith and an hour and a half this afternoon with the tv guy, plus a 2 hour community meeting this morning, that was my day.

I am now going to have a well earned Pernod and water.

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