Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Pick Me....

Pick Me!!

I had the great joy of being able to photograph the Whistler Ducks and Magpie Geese in the property I had visited the other day. The owners were just so welcoming and very happy for me to try and sneak up on the hundreds of Whistlers that are in residence on their dam.

Danny was telling me that the males are really plumed up at the moment as it's mating season. He had noticed that the females were in the water and the Males were on the bank whistling to try and attract attention. What a wonderful phenomenon.

I really loved seeing them in this natural environment. I was so tempted to Blip them en masse but this image won out in the end. I just loved their colour as the sun was setting.

Second in line tonight was an image of the Magpie Geese and Whistlers along with the odd Ibis all congregating together on the side of the dam. It was a tough call and I would love your opinion fellow blippers as to which one you would have chosen to blip today.

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