Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

J for June - Jorvik

Jorvik is the Viking name for York and the surrounding area. Sarah and I have been for a lovely day out, involving museums, crepes, boat trips and shopping - we are worn out but had a fab time. And I didn't bump the car once, which is always a bonus.

I was dithering between this shot of Clifford's Tower, and this of the Minster - but Clifford won as it looks more dramatic.

The Castle Museum has period rooms, most of which I am far too young to remember, but the eighties kitchen did stir up a few memories. I grew up in Plymouth where there were basically no Indian restaurants, so my only taste of curry as a child was that Vesta packet meal - oh and we thought we were so cosmopolitan having that!

There is also an excellent Sixties exhibition on, which I loved (Sarah was a bit bored) - and these certainly brought back vivid memories - if you remember them, what did you think of them? I associate them and Newberry Fruits with my Nan - and Nuttall's Mintoes of course. It is a wonder I have any teeth to call my own...

Ok, very tenuous music link indeed - the drummer of this band is Danish (Viking), one of the words in the title starts with J, the singer is a James, it is one of the best cover versions of all time and I won't hear a word said against it-uh.

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