
Anders thinks that this year's holiday will be "definitely fine".
Better even than last year's although last year's holiday was also
definitely fine even though they had mostly done lame things like
playing football and hanging around near the motor scooter hire place.
This year, without anyone saying anything, or, for instance, putting it to a vote, the week was all about girls. Not that Anders has a problem with this. Not at all.

Anders is 99% certain that Helena, one of the Norwegian girls, is
interested in him. At least 99%. But that 1% of uncertainty is troubling. She was
clearly laughing with the other girls when he made an
excuse to walk past the cafe where they hung out. But he isn't sure
about the precise meaning of her laughter.

What is important is that he isn't the only one without a girl. JoJo was supposed to be seeing one of the other girls but Anders is 99% sure that it is all exaggerated or made up. That 1% again...

Anders is definitely fine about taking things forward with Helena if that 1% of
uncertainty resolves itself. But he does have some concerns:
- Where do you put your hands when you kiss?
- Does he have bad breath (he has licked the back of his hand and breathed on it and then sniffed it which is supposed to tell you, but he isn't convinced)?
- What if he started giggling while they were kissing?
- Or sneezing?
- Was holding hands a good thing or lame?

So it's all definitely fine with Anders. Absolutely. But if JoJo and the others would rather play football after all, then that would be OK. Or they could hang around the motor scooter hire place. That would be definitely fine too.

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