The aftermath

This is a misleading picture. The 'after' picture. A neat arrangement of sprinkles containers. The 'before' picture would have had the contents of these all over the kitchen table, all over the floor and everywhere else. None, unfortunately, ended up where they should have been, e.g. in Grace's mouth. Grace wanted the sprinkles to put onto her ice cream pudding, which she was having late on her own because she had taken so long to eat her tea. She put them onto the ice cream and then decided she likes sprinkles and likes ice cream but she doesn't like them together. Grace being Grace, she couldn't just tell us this - instead, she emptied the sprinkles all over the place (willingly helped by Arwen, who had by now wandered into the kitchen). Then she hid the bowl behind her back when we went to see what was going on. Then she shouted and avoided conversation, headed upstairs and had a ten minute meltdown and room-wrecking incident... Patience, cuddles and humour calmed her down when she was ready. I really feel for her when she has these meltdowns. She really struggles :(

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