
By BrownBuddy1

A Tired Little Girl

Sophie and I caught the little local bus into Olney.

We played word games whilst waiting as the bus was late.
"Whose your favourite dog, Granny". "I love Poppy and Bud bestest Granny."
"What do you like most to eat , Granny. "Macaroni cheese is yummy, you like that best too Granny?"
"Who's your goodest Grand-daughter, Granny?" (I only have one, so the answer was a foregone conclusion!)

We strolled round the Market Place in Olney, bought strawberries for lunch off a market stall, had a cup of coffee for me and a glass of milk for Sophie in a little cafe.

Then wandered down to the recreation ground, stopping to pat and talk to the many dogs we past. "Do you miss Poppy and Bud, Granny, I do"

Played on the swings for a bit, then made our way down to the river for our strawberry picnic. "Buddy would like to play with that ball Granny" as we watched a dog playing fetch in the water.

Stopped on the way back to have one last go on the slide.

Slowly walked to the bus stop, "That little boy has a pink ice-cream Granny."
Sat on a bench to eat an ice-cream whilst we waited for the bus.

Arrived home with a very tired but contented little girl.

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