Clark Tales

By cclark

LBC 831

Tiny bit hungover today but I decided that it was too nice a day to waste on my week off. It was onward with the camera to School Wood. I took lots of pictures, including an awesome one with a bee and a flower...I may add them to the blip-folio.

This one had my heart racing as I took it as it made me think some wonderful things.

It's a long, winding path, I don't know where it ends up, but I know the two tracks follow each other to the end. There's a few patchy bits, it's a bit blurred but there's some shelter; the tracks make one path, running separately but in parallel. They compliment one another and support one another and the hope is they lead to the field of dreams.

I had a chilled afternoon, before spending the night having a quality time learning lot's about LB and re watching the L Word from the beginning.
The feeling of being trusted, is probably one of the most important feelings in the whole world. I can't wait to go along the path and continue this wonderful sense of acceptance.

C x

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