at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Never be too careful in the bath....

Yes- Ivy is wearing arm bands in the bath. Got to be careful you know....

Ladies who lunch this afternoon was at Elenas. Highlites included Ivy and Elseanne both rampaging about pushing a plastic walker (literally running under tables they were), the grown up turning the table round so we could watch the babies play like an interview panel and Ivy crawling away from Elseanne and Edith when Edith was crying so she wouldn't look responsible. (the hooligan)

A good day in the house too- this morning we played 'swimming pool' in the bath to try out Ivy's new arm bands, will be taking her swimming in the pool tomorrow to try them their too. Will be good to let her kick and swim when we go to Italy. When she heard the bath running, she opened the door of her room and ran towards the bathroom and attempted to climb into her empty tummy tub (baby bath), she clearly loves baths. After a while of her being in the bath, I got in with her and the little monkey splashed me.

Trying something new with Ivy now- I've been reading about Montessori methods and altough I don't agree with some of it (you'll never catch me insisting Ivy collect her matt and respectfully rolls it out and sits to the left of the object she's working with) some of the ideas and principles are great. I montessorified (it is a word now) our living room last night and edited the amount of toys on display for Ivy- I'll do upstairs tomorrow- and I'm working on teaching her to put something away before she moves onto the next thing. It's very repetitive just now- putting things away the second she moves on and saying 'If you're finished playing with x, we put x back where it goes' but hopefully like baby signing repetition will pay off in a few months time. (I do appreciate the iriony of me teaching Ivy to put toys away- before you say anything Pops and Granny Grant)

Went on a walk to the allotment- I have three teeny tiny yellow courgettes growing outside. Very pleased.

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