Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2000 Days Saved

Even though the photo is uncreative, this community of blippers is NOT. It has been nothing short of a thrill to discover Blipfoto and then to become a member and stay active these past 2000 days (at the moment, I only have 1 day missing and that is only because I haven’t written the story for that day, but I have the photo and it will be blipped eventually). My “Thank YOUs” are at the bottom of this page – sorry, I just had to write, to explain what’s happened to me in 2000 days of blipping.

I discovered Blipfoto on January 5, 2009, when I was looking for a place to do a daily journal – not a photo journal, but a written journal. Because truthfully I wanted to “save my life” and the lives of my family: my husband, my adult children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandson. I now have 2000 days saved that I would have lost forever if I had not taken the time every day with photos and words.

On January 5, 2009, I simply “googled” the words “daily journal” and a link to Blipfoto appeared. I’ve done that same “search” numerous times since that magical date and never, and I do mean never, has Blipfoto ever again been an option. That first search was truly a magical moment in my life and once-in-a-lifetime happening.

I just jumped-in that very first night without even doing any looking and considering what was being offered to me.

I do NOT think I realized the community that was about to appear on the screen on my computer. It was stunning to be looking at someone else’s world, someone who lived halfway around the globe and on the other side of the equator. I was “making friends” with blippers in South Africa, New Zealand, Europe, Great Britian, the U.S. – everywhere!

Without realizing what was happening to me, I was addicted to this thing called “Blipfoto” and to “blipping.” I visualize Blipfoto as a globe of the earth with a ribbon of photos floating around it (like Saturn’s ring) and once a day I am allowed to reach out and post my photo and words to that ribbon and then the ribbon continued on rotating around the earth until it arrives at where you are.

Two-and-a-half or three-years later after first blipping, I realized I was mainlining “Blipfoto.” It was as if I had a needle in my arm. I was that absorbed with Blipfoto. I just could not get enough. Even though I had come to this site to write, I was so hooked on seeing other people’s photos and reading their words and writing comments, that I would spend most every evening “watching” my computer screen, writing comments, and uploading my entry for the day. I would spend most days constantly thinking about what photo I could capture that would connect to my experience for that 24-hour period and continually sneaking a peek at homepage of Blipfoto.

I was in “deep” but I never lost contact with the reality that I was a member of Blipfoto so specifically so that I could write my daily happenings. I keep this journal because it is an obsession for me. I did eventually get a grip on my addiction.

I have backed away from all the watching and all the commenting because I had to; I had a life to live on this side of my computer screen. So I now occasionally comment and I still love to “watch” what others are posting, but mostly I’ve found the center and I’m holding on with all my might to stay in the center and do what I came here to do – to “save my life” and my family’s life.

Can you tell me what you were doing 2-years ago on this date? I know what I was doing 2-years ago today because my words and my photo are saved here in Blipfoto.

The person I can thank for that is Joe Tree. So “Thank YOU Joe!” I love what you have created -- Blipfoto. Thank you for allowing all of us to join you in posting a daily photo and thought. Thank YOU too to Joe’s wife and family. You are all fabulous.

Thank YOU to Blip Central – you are all so creative, imaginative, and organized.

Thank YOU to this fabulous community – that would be YOU. I have received many, many wonderful comments and encouragement.

I’m really not a photographer, but over the past 2000 days, I’ve even received compliments on some of my photos.

I find the people here fascinating – you live such interesting lives. I’ve learned so much from reading your posts and seeing your photos. I’ve even had the privilege of meeting two blippers – Dorrit (Rachel’s Mom) and Mallary (Abstract Eyes) -- (at two different times). There are so many more to meet – someday I hope that will happen.

Well, I believe every exit is really an entrance and every Blipfoto mile-marker is an opportunity to begin again tomorrow, so that’s what I plan to do. I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully for another 2000 days.

I’ll sign-off from Southern California with
Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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