
By CanonEyes


100 blips today. I'm having a beer to celebrate. Putting on some mood music to relax and I've poured one for you if you'd like to join me.
One hundred days of seeing, and commenting on, some great photos, from all over the world. I've seen some magical places that are virtually unknown outside their immediate locality, including many from my native Dublin. I've also been honoured to be allowed glimpses into your personal lives for which I am grateful.
One hundred days during which I have met the most marvellous like minded souls (that's you lot). Three months ago I didn't know anybody in Holland, the U.S, Canada. New Zealand, or Australia. Now I do. My photo/pen pals in the U.K. are wonderful. I've been informed, educated, amazed, and entertained, and I've had quite a few belly laughs. The music is good too.
But most of all, I love the chat and the banter.
Thank you all for welcoming me into your community. In a way, I hope it doesn't get much bigger for me. I would hate to have to restrict myself to a few words. I like to waffle.
So, bottoms up! I'll crack open another bottle.

I'm heading off on an adventure with the Redhead for the rest of the day. Won't be back 'til about 7.00pm.

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