Ringing for a Wedding

Today did not start well, news that my Sister in Laws father passed away last night after being taken poorly late last night. Although he has been very unwell for several months this is still a shock and very sad news indeed.

We rang for a Wedding this afternoon at the Church with the help of our ringing friends from Chesham. We have six bells and only 4 ringers so we have to draft in help from our friends for special occasions. It was a very simple and lovely homely wedding, the bride is the niece of our Vicar.

It was lovely to have all 6 of our bells ringing and to be able to ring a touch of Plain Bob Doubles in which I managed to participate. It's the first time I have rung since the start of Chemo and the first time for a long time I have rung with five other ringers as part of a method and I realise how much I miss it.

Off to tea with Mum later and visit my brother and family.

Life really is a roller coaster

Managed to get to level 32!!

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