Sea Holly

Not quite at it's best but it's an interesting plant and once in full bloom the bees love it!

Finally got to see Lisa today, feel very sad for her, Dads are very special people and we both had the fortune to have extra special ones, losing them is hard. It's a really rubbish time for my family at the moment but we'll get each other through this and be all the closer for it.

Lisa's Mum needed help moving a table this morning so my eldest nephew, Jonathan, and I wandered up to help her. The house seemed strange without Fred and it was nice to have Johnathan there. Eileen has gone into sorting mode, which I know from experience is what kicks in initially. We'll all be here for her when all the sorting is done but in the meantime she has to do what she feels is right because there is no right or wrong when you loose your husband of 50 years.

I feel very heavy of heart today :(

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