Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Well it makes them at least.
When we first got the bubble machine for bath time the boys would cry when we put it on. They now cry when it runs out of bubbles!
We've had a few rather grumpy days this week.
The boys have been sleeping badly both ended up in bed with us in the early hours of this morning which is not like them it's normally only one of them and usually Elliot.
They were ridiculously grumpy yesterday and they refused to have an afternoon nap which made them even worse.

We are thinking we've been hit with a double whammy of teething and a leap. I'm hoping both will pass soon and we end up with some teeth.

Both boys have learnt to walk with their push along walkers this week Isaac is better than Elliot at the mo, but he has been better at walking whilst holding your hands.

I'm still overwhelmed by the handing in of my notice it's the right thing to do at present but it still feels like such a big leap into the unknown.

My friend and her little boy are still in hospital. Jesse has jaundice and has to have some phototherapy. But jaundice is common in preemies both of the boys had it. Fingers crossed his bloods come back ok and they can be home by Monday.

The boys tee pee has been ordered for their birthday and they have said they will get it to us in time.

We need to get them some other stuff but not sure what.
Definitely need to get them some more clothes need to find some nice stuff tho

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