Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Dinner with the Cousins

We've had a day of getting stuff done today, although I did get a call when we were out and about to say that one of my patients had rung to say there were problems with her trial wheelchair, so I had to do a mercy dash to work to haul out her rental chair so that she had it available if the problem reoccurred. I had suggested that she took it with her when I set up the trial. Lesson learned.

The Husband had football and they lost today. Said it was a good game though.

My brother and his family came over for dinner tonight. My nephew (pictured here) got the clearance from cancer this week, so it was lovely to be able to celebrate with them. He had a stage 4 Wilms Tumour, with his kidney being removed just before Christmas. It had travelled to his lungs as well, but with the radiotherapy combined with chemo, it has gone!

It is great to see him looking less like ChemoBoy and more like his usual self. His hair has gone very blonde compared to what it was before treatment.

He just has to have checks every 3 months now. Hopefully that's it.

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