Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


This afternoon we went on our dog walk, and today a labrador off-lead came bouncing up towards us, and started chasing Lola (on-lead) around my legs, and then the lab actually started growling and tried to bite her! I was horrified, and ended up lifting her up with her lead so the dog wouldn't get to her, the owners casually strolled up afterwards as they were a bit behind and the female commented that he was just playing, I said it didn't look like playing to me and got a "whatever!", she wouldn't have said that if Lola had been bitten and needed vet treatment! I've said it before, if people can't control their dogs they shouldn't let them off the lead, makes me so angry, I guess some people just have no etiquette.

We've had a similar experience with a Staffieand a collie, fortunately we have never seen that Staffie again, and the collie owner now puts it's lead on, if he see us approaching and we wait which is the polite thing to do, then we smile and nod and walk past each other briskly and all is well.

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