at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

water baby

Ivy is fascinated with drinking. She emptied her cup during the day - giving her free access to it. Noticing the difference in the weight of her nappies already. I don't think it's that she gets very thirsty, I think she just rather likes the action of drinking.

She spent most of this morning running a plastic push along toy full tilt into the wall- brought her down a little plastic stool from upstairs that she can more easily manouvere and she walked about with that too.

Went to the allotment in the afternoon to deal with the tomatoes that have gone sprawling all over the place. Did some pretty major pruning of them- first green tigerella tomatoes are growing and I counted 8 sweet peppers. Ivy chewed on some basil before going home with Euan so I could stay and weed.

Ivy seems to be saying 'lala' to indicate singing. When I stopped singing to her before bed she pointed at me and said 'lala' until I started again (bossy monkey). Euan was singing a few days ago and she looked at me and said 'Dadalala'- I'm wondering if we can count that as her first sentence?

Euan said this morning that his favourite of the things Ivy is doing just now is her sharing food. She'll offer whatever she's eating to either me or Euan. She could do with eating more herself though- we've finished her three day food diary to be sent back the dietician. This evenings meal read as 1 slice of tomato, 4 tbsp of pureed leek, white sauce and macaroni and 1 slice of orange. She couldn't even be tempted to eat some of the first strawberry from the garden (which was delicious and juicy)

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