at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Lid goes on- lid comes off- lid goes on- lid com..

Ivy's been working on the skill of putting stuff into boxes and moving lids on and off. Shes very good at moving the lid on and off this coffee canister. Before lunch I gave her 3 wooden bowls, 3 wooden balls and a basket and we put the balls on the bowls and then took them off and put them in the basket. Euan came home and said I was hot housing her.... The plan wit the balls and the bowls is ultimatly to stain them bright colours for matching.

She slept past rhyme time this morning. At Gaelic toddlers in the afternoon they were playing with water, I think it was a bit cold for Ivy's taste though. She wasn't very sure of herself at toddlers, I think she's currently finding being surrounded by lots of people a bit unsettling. She's fine up to about 5 or 6 and then past that she gets clingy. Euan popped into see her at toddlers and she proudly informed everyone that dada was there, he left without her noticing though and 5 minutes later she went on a dada hunt.

Walking home, we passed Katy's house and Ivy looked at it and started bouncing and shouting at me- so we went into see Katy and Ivy instantly cheered up. I guess she hasn't seen her mother-in-law in a while.

Gave Ivy melon for pudding tonight, since she ate lots of fish (Basa) she loves melon, Euan is pleased as it gives him someone to share with. I don't like melon at all, I think it tastes like dusty cucumber (which I don't like either). She was still eating ay past when we'd normally put her in the bath- in the end we had to take her away from her melon to get her ready for bed. I'd have let her eat melon in the bath, but Euan (probably sensibly) said no. Got a great video of her holding a piece of melon in each hand and alternating.

I sorted out the clothes Ivy has outgrown last night into what we're keeping. No point saving 30+ vests in one size when half of them weren't even worn. And the piles and piles of baby pink that people gave us and never even touched her sides are also not worth keeping. 4 binbags of outgrown clothes are being passed onto various places. I was rather proud of my consolidating- only got a little bit sentimental over a teeny tiny knitted granny grant hat.

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