New Board Old dude

By BOBTaskforcepro


Where the River Devon meets the River Forth, looking East towards Alloa.

A day off work as I had the dentist first thing this morning.

The recent cold and wet weather has taken its toll a bit on myself, so today I decided to invigorate myself a bit by going for a long stroll along the Forth.
I decided that the best thing to do was absorb as much sunlight (Vitamin D) as possible so I went for the socks and boots only option and my trusty rucksack for my camera etc. I (mistakenly) assumed, as it was a Monday there wouldnt be a soul about, turns out that the walk beside the river is just as popular during the week as it is at the weekend! The difference being that during the week people seem to be really quite rude. I met a couple of old women on my jaunt, probably only a couple of years away from getting a letter from the Queen by the looks of them. "Are you a man or a woman" they both sniggered at me. The cheek I thought to myself. After all, it was still a wee bit nippy!
Anyhoo, undettered by the jibes from a couple of old coffin dodgers I meandered on my way to the more liberal minded village of Cambus.
Where I was chased by a guy wielding a pitchfork shouting "stay away from my sheep". He had a few rude words to say n' all. Once I managed to outrun the psycho farmer and his world of colourful words, I got back onto the track that runs alongside the Devon and eventually meets the Forth. (See photo)
After milling about at this point for about quarter of an hour, finally, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet, a chap with a spade and a coffee jar turns up, asking me if I had seen the seals just round the bend a bit. Taken aback by this I said ?No? excitedly and made my way quickly to see if I could see them. I thought briefly about making a joke about ?burying the wife?, but then I thought it best not to enquire what he was up to, if he did just bury his wife he probably wouldn?t be overtly concerned about burying me either.
Whenever, someone says something with great conviction I must confess that I am a bit gullible and I think on this occasion, spade dude was winding me up as there was not a seal in sight and there probably never has been as it is a long way up the Forth. But in his defence he did wear a pair of glasses with lenses about four inches thick and may have mistaken the seagulls for seals. (They are spelt very similiarly n? all). I couldn?t help thinking that with those weighty bad boys on I imagine if he haphazardly turned his gaze towards the afternoon summer sun he would probably burn both his eyeballs out of their sockets in an instant. Hes gotta be careful.
And finally I headed back towards home, with my camera without charge, as I had taken loads of photos on the way there, I had plenty of time to make up a load of nonsense to write with my blip!
The End.

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