nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


Today included most of the journey home, as I had plans to meet a friend for some hillwalking in Shropshire. I stopped off in Ashburton (posh) and managed to find a great cafe run by a couple of chaps playing Abba and having a general chat with whoever was in. Then a visit to Sheppy's, with a look round the museum, cafe and the purchase of two mixed cases. I will try and save one for Christmas but I'm not making any promises. Cider is the natural drink certainly of the more lowland parts of Britain and really should be to us what wine is to the French. And none of this Magners-glass-with-ice shite.

Then I got stuck in awful traffic, some sort of Glastonbury/accident mish-mash, so it took forever to get to the intended destination of Church Stretton. Then the campsite I was aiming for turned out to be a private one that had been hired out for a mountain bike race - the people I spoke to reckoned I could just camp and pretend I was part of it (and I suppose I did have a bike in the van) but I thought it felt a bit wrong, so I ended up in the van in a car park for the night. The forecast was horrible too, so tomorrow's walk was called off and I planed to head into Birmingham tomorrow morning.

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