
By Moiety

Fragaria vesca or wild strawberry -

- produces edible fruit and is found in most of the Northern hemisphere. We have lots of these plants in full bloom around Tyven.

Do not especially enjoy strawberries, but I just love wild strawberries - their smell and taste are so unique, mmm.

This summer we will probably miss the wild strawberries, since we will start our three-week journey to South America on Wednesday.

Today the whole day was spent unwinding and getting back to normal after the doctoral celebrations. I am leaving for Tallinn for two days tomorrow, too, so I had to start packing for Brazil already today.

It is always so difficult to decide what to pack - normally I take too many pieces of clothing with me - end up using only a few, but still, you never know. Besides A keeps reminding me that all he really needs is a passport and a toothbrush, sigh.

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