Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Who's a pretty boy, then?

Today Archie came right away to have his harness put on. Not enthusiastically, it must be said… he still stood like he was being tortured, but springs into joyful action when he hears the ‘click’.

He’s increasingly being allowed around the house for short bursts, and he LOVES it. When I know he’s just had a piddle and a poo, he’s allowed a wee look around his domain-to-be. He charges excitedly into every room, skidding on floorboards and rugs. He checks to see if there are any socks on the floor, then rolls in the flokati rug and checks if that other dog is still behind the mirror and then lies down and licks the carpet in the lounge. I’ve explained to him that when we can trust him always to go outside to toilet, and not to chew on wires, of course, then he’s got the run of the house. That day might be a wee while off yet…

We walked across to Project Coffee for brunch. JR and I had scrambled eggs and toast. It’s a humungous plateful, and I was flagging by the end (definitely not normal). Archie lay down and gave the floor a thorough licking, and maybe got a few crumbs.

He met a big dog who lunged at him, snarling. Then another one. Poor wee Archie. As we came back across the Links (JR had skipped on to a bus and gone into town) we came across some wee kids kicking a ball around. Archie barked and barked at them, but I told the parents it was the ball he was barking at. Not.

This isn’t the best mirror shot I could have got, because he's looking at me by this time. I missed the boxing-with-that-other-dog one. :-(

He's wearing his new collar, and as his posh kennel name is Pendledean Star Struck, it's rather appropriately starry.

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