Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

New hair selfie

With my face carefully hidden. After what feels like a very long time of having long hair I've had it all chopped off. Pregnancy and the past 11 months have taken it's toll on it. I like it I keep having moments of doubt but I can always let it grow.

Today started out great out earlier than normal so I could drop the boys off with my parents so I could pop to the hairdressers.
And a little excited as Mr L has bought us tickets to see Kings of Leon in Swansea at the liberty stadium tomorrow.

It then went down hill once I got back this afternoon as I ended up having a to do with one of the neighbours about parking. We can't park by our house as it is on a lane and it's single track along with a whole host of other issues. So we have to park on the main road. When I got back I couldn't park where I normally park so parked in a slightly different location as the boys were due for a bottle. About an hour later she comes banging on our door demanding I move my car F'ing and Geoffing about it all I'm eat shot of the boys (I swear but I try not to do it our my children or other peoples children). The best bit is that she actually has a drive but won't use it.

It really upset me to be honest. I've been wanting to move for a while (but I love my little house soooo much) it's making me more determined to move now.
I've taken to really hate living in this village there is no community spirt, no one is friendly, everyone still hangs around with the people they went to school with and no one seems to want to interact or do anything. Since becoming a mum I have never felt so alone or isolated as I do at the moment.

Elliot is also refusing to go to sleep at night so that is not helping either think we are going through another leap.

I suppose what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger

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