Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Looking up ....

Was my prompt from the missing mojo group ... So,this is my 14 year old godson ... Sigh.
I have to look up to talk to him.. He is very good at mocking my short stature ... I will get my own back by telling you when he was a toddler he used to shove his fat little hands down my top and grab my boobs .. He did it ALL THE TIME ! and he threw his baby brothers poo over the stair balcony once ... AND when he was 12 months old he went through a phase of licking my face ... I have plenty of ammunition you know ... that being said I love him and his siblings ... Him and Basti came dog walking with me today and they were really good fun.
Tomorrow it's Jakes first ever sports day ... He told his mum that they have been practicing 'curdles' ...

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