wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

On the outside looking in

This is a fence from my side yard. Yup it needs fixing.

Yesterday we picked out the cover for the new cd. I hated it. My hair was a mess and I looked like I was smuggling a family of 4 under my shirt. Everyone loved it so I said . Very passive aggressively. ok ....go ahead.......use it :(
So Dan photoshopped me in it from another picture. I looked like a ghost floating off the ground. He then used my head from another picture. It was put on slightly at an angle and I looked like a broken doll. He eventually fixed it now I have good hair. Phew. Ingrid kept sending emails saying....stop please. I am hysterical at work and everyone keeps looking at me!

My husband made dinner tonight and asked if I wanted some zucchini. I said we didn't have any zucchini. He showed me these broiled spears with cheese on them. I said oh you mean the cucumbers.
Envy me.

I often wonder if strange people and things are attracted to me like moths to a flame , or if I choose to see life differently.
I see my co workers looking so perfectly put together. They exude sophistication and .....cool earrings. Their hair is coiffed and the makeup is perfect.
I get up in the morning and by the time I get to work, my hair is flat, my stockings are run and there is a wad of . Dog poop. chewing gum on the bottom of my shoe. My makeup by that point has smeared all over my face as I have rubbed my eyes or blown my nose. Oh and I have lost an earring. ( last year I made a necklace of single earrings looped on a chain. It's long)
I often feel as if I am on the outside of that world looking in.
But! What if, those people are on the outside of my world looking in? You know the world of cowboy boots and skirts exactly 4 inches above the knee, the world where it's ok to: laugh and hold a hand of someone that is scared. More importantly the ability to not take yourself so seriously. Oh and donuts, there just has to be donuts.
If that is true, I would tell them: The door is open.
You are welcome to come in!

It's getting late so! Goodnight all and g'day to my friends down under.

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