Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Band-tailed Pigeon

A new visitor to my feeder and bath today. I saw a shadow cross my kitchen window and looked outside at this humongous bird! He doesn't look quite as big as he really is on this bath, but let's just say he was chicken size. Bird books says 14-15 1/2 inches. I'd say he's at the high end of that. His color is a bit off. I guess he's feeling a bit blue to match my bath. He's really more grey toned. The birds were at the feeder this morning but disappeared when the temperature rose. 90 degrees F today here. That's pretty warm hot. They came back this evening when it had cooled down to 80.

Maxine says: When life gets you down, it might be time to pick yourself up by your own bra straps!
(Life apparently gets me down quite often).

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