A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Light and shade

A gentle day to balance out all those intense ones when I feel permanently behind and a little anxious. Work is slowing down for the summer and the sun has blazed all day to help out. I managed to find some simple work tasks that were not particularly taxing but mainly it has been maintenance day.

After two weeks of ignoring it I went to the physio today to confirm my internet diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis. It seems the knee injury continues to cause bother, if indirectly. Structural work is required and I have some deceptively simple but actually quite hard exercises to do to try and get my body to align how it is supposed to. It is so out of line that what is apparently neutral feels like I am practically falling over. I knew it was coming but am still a little sad that the running needs to go on pause again. At least being mobile is a good thing so swimming, cycling and pilates are positively encouraged. So encouraged I was and headed to the pool.

In other maintenance news I've had my pre-holiday haircut. Exciting I know but really a reflection of the chilled pace I have been operating at today.

Tomorrow will be a real work day.

Contrasts are good,
Lesley x

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