A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Greenhouse at Chiswick House

Head frazzling webinar today so went for a mind clearing walk along the river and through Chiswick House.

And tonight did first ballet barre pilates class where I didn't think I would die so plenty of good exercise today.

Which will hopefully mean a good night's sleep. We've become a little hooked on Suits and it seems to be giving us both weird dreams and disturbed nights.

Other news, kids got lovely school reports so we will need to think of some way of treating them as a thank you for not making us have to read bad things and deal with too much.

Oh and in other, other news I may have another piece of work* in September, the downside being it's in Akron, Ohio**, the big upside it means I will have two jobs in September with one of my favourite working partners.

I quite liked Tuesday, it can come again.
Lesley x

*as a freelancer this is a very good thing

** fine place I'm sure, just a long way from home

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