
I was having such a good day today, I awoke happy and with snuggles, I worked my last day before a week off, blissfully free of annoying distractions, and I was heading out to running club.

Everyone at club was awesome and I even got a round of applause for being able to run the race on Sunday. I was feeling great.

But within about three steps, disaster struck and I went over and sprained my bad ankle. Chris took me home and I had a bit of a cry.

So I'm hoping that this is simply what an overreaction looks like. I'm following RICE (that's ice in the plastic bag and floral tea towel) and I'm terrified that I'm back to square one. I was just starting to feel good about my running again. I'm hoping my ankle is just tired from the race at the weekend. I think I'll start doing my exercises again tomorrow...

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