Flobba Dobba Dob

It was a difficult choice to decide which pic to use today. I met up with Chrissie1butter at Tatton Park and we had a good laugh as we took loads of photos. The day went as follows....a drink in the Gardener's Cottage Garden Cafe, taking flower pics, lying on the lawn taking photos of Chrissie as she rolls down the hill, more flowers, lunch in the Cafe again, Chrissie bought straw hat, playing on the swings in the playground and finishing the day with a tipple over on a bar....I'm exhausted just remembering it all ha ha ha.

I was very disappointed that the carousel wasn't working as I really wanted a ride on it...next time then. I had signed up for the Tatton newsletter so I got a free car park voucher which made the day even sweeter.

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