Any Ideas?

Unlike the monsters, I didn't have breakfast ........ I saved myself for our trip to the garden centre to meet Chicken Lady (she has got 2 new ones to replace the ones that are no more) and her mother.
Pretty colours in the aquatic department.

SWMBO had to go into town in the afternoon for an assessment for the Dept. of Work & Pensions as part of their 'Let's stop everyone's benefit and start from scratch' policy.
So PD and The Cygnet came with me on a Bear Hunt in the woods.
We didn't find any, but I did find it strange that it wasn't oak leaves carved on the new oak bench.
I also found these fungi growing on a dead tree. I have no idea what species they are (I haven't found them in my I-Spy book).
Does anybody have a clue?

SWMBO was furious when she trailed all the way in to the centre of Edinburgh only to be told that her assessment had been cancelled without telling her.
She was also told that she could not get the travelling expenses because her appointment had been cancelled (this is the appointment she was to have within 3 months returning a form by 14th January).
Let sleeping dogs lie?
Absolutely no chance!
Stinking letters being written.

After this we went to my sisters house to see my brother and his family who are over from California - all sorts of people were heading over there.
We arrived - and they had gone out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then the café at the ski slope was shut when we called in.

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