
Went out east in the afternoon, out on the Holderness Plain to Withernsea to visit my godparents and longtime family friends. Not been there for about twenty years and I was reminded how people from Hull for as long as I can remember have had a habit of sticking in an extra 'e' to the place name pronouncing it more as 'With-er-en-sea' for no real reason whatsoever. Or shortening it to 'With' (like Bridlington a little further up the coast is always referred to simply as 'Brid'. Always). Anyway, went up the lighthouse for the first time ever, my girls counted the 144 steps up the inside circular staircase, checked out the views through the telescope and then ambled back along the beach past all the various sea defences and longshore drift preventative constructions. And a few stones were collected along the way by the youngest member of the family who, as usual, had boundless energy and showed no signs of tiredness at all.

Light(house) & Magic.

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