Gitama's World

By Gitama

Goodbye My Dear Friend

Last night my friend passed over. ....I do not expect you to read the many words I wrote to her...however I wanted to post them......for me.

To My Darling Friend Dianne,
I have heard that you have finally traveled to the other side…I couldn’t write straight away…It had to sink in that you have finally taken the big step….and for that I salute your bravery and I am so glad that you are no longer in pain my friend.
I have always wondered why the good ones go first….. and my dear… good you were…better than good really…one of the Brave Leaders/Givers/Lovers.

I think the thing that I loved most was how we could always find something to laugh about…even when those tough times came…you know the ones…. we could not believe that what had happened.. had…it was off the wall ….and together we found the sweetness of laughter to dispel the darkness and the fear.

You have been a blessed woman Dianne Ryan….you allowed all those showers of blessings soak right through and you embraced and treasured every single drop. Perhaps some were envious of you and the blessings that you had…but perhaps they did not know that it took a big heart … a lot of work and attention to keep them loved up so they didn’t leave…..not as easy as it looked…but then you had such a graceful way of sharing your blessings too….well some of them….some were not for the sharing.

I could write pages of things about you darling…….(you have moved through your lifetime no matter how long or short like a flame thrower…spinning your magic and generosity…no wonder you are so loved)……and every time I try to come to a close I think of some other thing I would like to honor you for.

I feel blessed that I saw you just a few days ago….I feel blessed that with my heart in my eyes …looking into yours I could tell you ‘ I LOVE YOU’…..I felt it go into you and land …I feel blessed as we had one last little chuckle together….I feel blessed that I could kiss you goodbye and feel your beautiful self in the flesh one last time…I left your house happy and complete and now…. I feel a little safer knowing that one as full of love and grace as you….. has now paved the way for us to follow on later.
I LOVE YOU my beautiful friend

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