All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Running in circles

Back to swimming lessons for Ethan this week, after the week off last week. We saw Foreveryoung and Eden afterwards - unfortunately the kids couldn't go in soft play as planned as it was only open for summer holiday activities.

Ethan and I then went back to the Heritage Centre to meet a friend and her son. Unfortunately just as we got there, I saw a text from her saying she had to go home as her son had been sick! We decided to go in anyway and Foreveryoung and Eden then came and joined us.

They then came back to our house for a bit where the kids played / squabbled together for a bit.

Football class for Ethan in the afternoon, then home for dinner, he then helped me do some gardening and planted the plants we bought yesterday.

Sainsbury's weekly shop for me after he went to bed.

9.30pm I finally got to sit down!

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