Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Last day of school!

Hi everyone!

Today was the last day of school before summer! Bianka wasn't in, which was pretty annoying as I had birthday present to give her - her birthday's on the 6th - but oh well. We had a whole school assembly, during which we were treated to the staff choir (Which was actually really good!), and we got to see the out-takes from the 'Happy' video the school made a couple of weeks ago! (original video here, out-takes and deleted/extended scenes here! They're actually really funny, and you'll get to see what the staff get up to in school! We're planning on doing something similar with my year group after summer, and I'll definitely get involved with it!

I'm going to my joint 17th kind-of-birthday-party tomorrow with a few of my friends, which should be really good! We're going ice-skating, then in think we're going out for something to eat!

And finally, today was also a little sad - it's the last time I can say to most people "See you after summer!", as it's obviously my last year in school - I'm definitely going to miss the school holidays after I leave!

Have a Good Friday!

Steven :)

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