
By kevinG

Knowledge is Power Outage

Woke up early because of the cleaning people at my dad's house. Dad drove me to Old Mill with my Boyscout uniform and the ice cream maker.

Went back to sleep for 4 hours.

Woke up and decided to make chocolate ice cream. On the box for the ice cream maker it said to just pour the ingredients in and in 30 minutes I'd have ice cream so that's what I did.

15 minutes in I looked at the instructions on the internet and saw that it was way more complicated than I thought. Mom was hysterically laughing at my stupidity and how I ruined a whole batch of ingredients.

Decided I didn't know how to make ice cream so I told my mom I would wait for her help.

Desperate Housewives and internet until Mom took me to Smashburger for brunch.

Went home and more internet until Mom asked me if I wanted to make ice cream. We followed the recipe and the mixture came out pretty nice. We put it in the fridge and set the timer for 2 hours.

Played with Millie outside and took that photo.

Mom left and I internet-ed for a little while. Then I read the instructions for the ice cream maker to figure out how to finish making the ice cream with the ice cream maker. Turns out the bowl it mixes the ice cream in has liquid in it and needs to be frozen solid before use. So there went my prospect of ice cream for the day.

Catherine and I bantered about what I should order for dinner. I wanted sushi from Thom Thom so badly but they don't deliver and Catherine wouldn't take me for pick-up because all she wanted were mozzarella sticks and they don't have those and I didn't want pizza so I settled on calling Mt. Fuji and ordering filet mignon and chicken hibachi and pot stickers for dinner. It was really tasty but way too much food.

Was pouring rain outside with lightning. Put Millie in her cage.

Internet. Adventure Time. Blackout, hence the name (somewhat).

Met up with Catherine. Got flashlights. Called Mom and told her. Called Dad to ask if I could go over his house. He was out with Taylor and he said he'd be back in an hour. Called Lauren to let her know and to tell her the garage door won't open and to come in through the front door.

Watched Desperate Housewives on Mom's laptop using the wifi that my phone emits while charging my phone with her computer. A symbiotic relationship at its best.

Went over Dad's house with Catherine and took the ice cream mix, the ice cream machine (with the semi-frozen bowl), and my Boyscout uniform for the parade tomorrow morning. I was planning on making the ice cream but I forgot the ingredients that you mix in at the end (heavy cream and vanilla).

Dad and Taylor brought me back some Thom Thom rolls but I was so stuffed I couldn't eat them.

Taylor told stories.

Going to bed now.


Quote That Somewhat Relates to Today:

"Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts. Perhaps the fear of a loss of power."
-John Steinbeck

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