
By kevinG

Independence Day

Woke up and took a shower.

Marched in the Independence Day Parade with the Boyscouts. Walked back to Park after.

Mom picked me up and we made ice cream (pictured). It was amazing! After it gets mixed, it's like soft serve. To get it harder you throw it in the freezer.

Watched Adventure Time and Desperate Housewives. Saw Donna, my mom's cousin, briefly before Dad picked me up and took me to Park. I met Big Mike, a high school friend of my dad, for the first time.

The following people were at Park:
My dad,
Big Mike,
Taylor's friend Amanda,
Amanda's daughter Alexia,
Taylor's sister Gwen,
Gwen's daughter Allie,
Gwen's son Thomas,
and me.

We took two taxis to the party at Joe's sister's house. Joe is my mom's aforementioned cousin Donna's ex-husband and my dad's friend whi lives in his sister's basement (it's a really nice house and the basement is no exception).

At the party, Joe was there with his daughter's and my second cousins, Amanda and Christina, and his girlfriend Jenn.

Sat at the bar, played in the basement, played in the pool, back to the basement, back to the bar, back to the pool, back to the bar, back to Park.

Started a bonfire at Park and then Dad drove me back to Old Mill.

Ate some ice cream and now I'm going to bed.


Quote That Doesn't Relate to Today:

"God save the queen."
- British National Anthem

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