
By Katy8


Sometimes I find it is good to walk away from a problem , allow it to sink in a little and return to it later. It is a technique we teach the kids when they are facing exams...skip over the tough questions that stump you, leave them for a while and come back to them later. I do the same thing when I work. If I take a troubling measurement when scanning a baby I will leave that area , continue the examination and return again to the troubling area a little later with a fresh approach.
I am not completely sure why this technique works. Whether it is the additional confidence gained by answering other questions we know, or in the case of a scan seeing normal anatomy or whether the brain continues to process in "the background" whilst we are otherwise engaged........and finds the solutions we are seeking.
In any case, some times it helps to leave something and come back for a fresh look...to refocus......

Sometimes, hard as it is, it is best to leave a situation to sort itself and settle a little. As a problem solver by nature this can be tricky, to say the least.
I am going to have to remind myself sometimes.....Walk away....then refocus.

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