Baby Merlin

Conor channeling Cornish mythology on the beach today. The sun was splitting the sky so we spent the whole day on Trevone beach. We did paddling, digging holes, burying each other and building sandcastles. Orla made a new friend called Lola who had a little inflatable dingy that us parents took turns pulling them around in. Her friend Annie came back and they played together for ages. Conor had a huge sleep in the afternoon. Orla and I explored the rock pools with her fishing net.

After we left the beach we went on a little drive and ended up at the Cornish Arms. We got a table outside and Orla and Conor played on the grass with other children. A little boy called Harry really took a shine to Orla. Conor spent most of the time trying to get out the gate or otherwise explore places he wasn't meant to be. Gorgeous big bowls of Cornish mussels for dinner for us and a hand-made burger for Orla (Conor ate a bit of everyone's).

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