
By katieyarbro

Casa Girasoles of Kawai

Day 5:
Today is the day we leave Casa Girasoles, the first stop on our two week journey in Peru. Kate tells us that this home once housed about 30-40 boys, but because of lack of funding, the boys had to be moved to another Scripture Union property in Ica. The property is currently used as a rental property, or another source of income for the ministry.
Learning this, it was a little difficult to find motivation to complete our painting project on the playground. While sanding I found myself getting restless because the hard work I was putting in was not visible to others. God quickly reminded me that I am working for Him and nothing I do goes unseen (Hebrews 6:10). With this in mind, we all pushed through the paint fumes and completed our work project. Painting may seem easy, but it is a tedious task that takes perseverance and time.
Next stop: Casa Girasoles, Ica.

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