
By katieyarbro

Amistad in Cañete

Day 4:
Yesterday afternoon, Kate offered us an opportunity to teach a VBS lesson at a local school about 2o miles out. Of course we accepted, so this morning we were on our way out to Cañete to teach the kids about friendship, or "amistad" in Spanish.
We visited 3 classrooms which were relatively small with a 30:1 student teacher ratio, consisting mainly of girls.
To our advantage, Vanessa speaks fluent Spanish, so she was able to teach the lesson without having Kate translate. Vanessa began the lesson by asking who their friends were and why they were friends. The rest of us handed out the essentials needed to make a bracelet (string, tape, beads, etc.). Once everyone made a bracelet (us included), Vanessa asked the girls a series of questions and if called on, they were to switch bracelets with one of us. This was a cool way to form a small bond with the girls.
Since we only had enough time and supplies to teach the lesson in 3 classrooms, other girls found out and would follow us from class to class asking for bracelets. Tailing the end of our line to the next classroom and partially for being too nice, I got caught up in pity and took to the girls. They overwhelmed me with questions that I could not answer because I did not understand their language, but once they figured out I didn't understand, they asked my name. I told them Katie. I walked into the next classroom only to find the girls waiting at the door with pens and paper asking for me to write my ams down. I will never understand why this makes them so happy, but that's all it takes for them. I'm learning that they find joy in the smallest of things.

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